my name is kristin, but my friends usually call me colby.
i used to blog on, but i needed to de-clutter. sometimes we all need a fresh start.
fresh starts are actually something i'm looking to make a lot of in the next year and i'm beginning with the easy stuff such as this blog, my closets, new car (the cutest little mini cooper).
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with falling in love (i have!) but "they" say when you're in love, everything seems possible. maybe that's why i've been thinking so much about "the possibilities" lately (i.e.: everything).
i've been starting a list of activities that make me happy and thinking about how i can do those in a unique and lucrative way so that i can spend every day the rest of my life doing exactly what makes me happy.
i like to travel and explore new places and i like to share them with everyone i can.
when i hear a song, see a new collection, a cool car, my mind immediately creates a scene around it.
i love to shop for people. it's like lending them my eyes.
i like instant gratification,
which is why i like creating things.
i like running on my own schedule.
fresh starts are actually something i'm looking to make a lot of in the next year and i'm beginning with the easy stuff such as this blog, my closets, new car (the cutest little mini cooper).
I'm not sure if it has anything to do with falling in love (i have!) but "they" say when you're in love, everything seems possible. maybe that's why i've been thinking so much about "the possibilities" lately (i.e.: everything).
i've been starting a list of activities that make me happy and thinking about how i can do those in a unique and lucrative way so that i can spend every day the rest of my life doing exactly what makes me happy.
i like to travel and explore new places and i like to share them with everyone i can.
when i hear a song, see a new collection, a cool car, my mind immediately creates a scene around it.
i love to shop for people. it's like lending them my eyes.
i like instant gratification,
which is why i like creating things.
i like running on my own schedule.
writing has always been a way for me to think things through. i find it therapeutic and i think everything out in writing. Blog, post-it notes, notepads, excel sheets, word documents, iphone and mac notes, you name it and i'll write in it.
at times things may get a little personal here and it's hard for me to decipher what i should publish and what i shouldn't, but these thoughts make me human. most of the time however, my blog reads more like the clueless scene where cher flips through her virtual closet.
it's easy to do what you know; stay where you are to feel secure. i suppose all fresh starts whether minor or major, take a certain amount of risk. on risk, robert kiyosaki, author of rich dad poor dad, said, "the more security you seek, the less freedom you will have." aren't we all searching for freedom? i, for one, am ready to take some risks.
oh, and i like cats.
follow me on instagram @colbyreport and you can like, totally follow my every move
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